444 School Websites Shut Down By Teen Hacker

A 16 year old student has been charged with obstruction of justice for having launched DDoS attacks on 444 school websites in Japan. The incident took place in November 2015 and is considered to have made history in Japan for having targeted a local governmental organisation. According to the local police, the boy launched the attack to teach his educators a lesson.

"I hate how the teachers talk down to us and never let us express ourselves. So, I thought I would remind them of their own incompetence. It felt good to see them have problems. I did it several times,"

Police seized the boy's computer and some hacking book. He downloaded tools which sent large volumes of data to the Board of Education servers, causing it to be unreachable for about one hour. The boy also told the police that he wanted to join the hacking group Anonymous.

Japanese law punishes such crimes with a maximum of a three-year prison term or a fine of ¥500,000 (£3204, $4,598). Taking the boy's age into consideration, it is not sure that he will face the maximum sentence.

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