Facebook Bug Exposed About 6 Million People Personal Details

Personal information of about 6 million people were recently exposed due to a bug on Facebook.This vulnerability allowed email and telephone numbers to be seen by person who were not supposed to see them.Until now,there hasn't been any evidence that the data exposed has been used in a malicious way. Facebook issued an important message on Friday 21st of June to narrate about this.
"Because of the bug, some of the information used to make friend recommendations and reduce the number of invitations we send was inadvertently stored in association with people’s contact information as part of their account on Facebook. As a result, if a person went to download an archive of their Facebook account through our Download Your Information (DYI) tool, they may have been provided with additional email addresses or telephone numbers for their contacts or people with whom they have some connection. This contact information was provided by other people on Facebook and was not necessarily accurate, but was inadvertently included with the contacts of the person using the DYI tool. "

After confirming about this bug, Facebook disable the DYI tool to fix the problem and the tool was back the next day after it was fixed.

Read Full Facebook Message: [Click Here!]


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