Anonymous UK Message To BBC

Anonymous UK has released a video to warn BBC about their anger.They mentioned in the video that BBC need to expect them on the 1st June 2013.On their Facebook events page,they published the reasons why they are raising against BBC.
Message From Their Facebook Event Page:
"Calling all Anonymous and all UK people
IT IS TIME to say "enough is enough" to BBC
The TV License is a SCAM. The TV Licence carry's an Act which means it needs to have the consent of the Governed. The public have been blinded in to a contract that does not even exist.
The BBC needs to be investigated for Tax Avoidance but at present they will not allow anyone to see the emails regarding Tax.
The BBC is possibly housing Pedophiles and we want a full investigation.
The BBC are a Propaganda Machine, Liars and Thugs run by the Government.
How can the people support these CRIMINALS and by paying your Licence Fee you committing Treason by supporting the BBC in it's Criminal activities
I will be adding more info as we go along but there are a few links below to have a look at it in the mean time.
Think about it? You are a Human being and along comes a Corrupt Private Corporation and says you will pay us money and if you don't we will punish you. Are you hearing it?
We demand a full internal investigation of the BBC and to STOP the illegal taking of a human beings money unlawfully.

It has come to our attention that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBc), has become less and less trustworthy in recent times.
As British Citizens we are made to pay £145.50 license fee per year for the provision of good quality advert free entertainment and news.
The BBc have forced students and members of the armed forces to buy TV licenses when they are living away from their family homes creating more revenue from many thousands of people.
Anonymous understands that the BBc is the voice of the British Government but we feel that the misappropriation of these vast funds should now be addressed.
The resignation and £400.000+ payoff of director general George Entwistle over the child abuse scandal surrounding former presenter Jimmy Savile and the chaos following flagship current affairs show Newsnight making possibly false allegations against a former Conservative Party politician. Lastly the Tax Avoidance within your staff and covering it up."



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