Hacker Leaked Details of 9000 DHS and 20000 FBI Employees

A hacker using the codename DotGovs has released details of 9,000 US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and 20000 FBI employees via his Twitter account. In an exclusive interview he had with Vice, the hacker gave detail how he breached the DHS computer system. The hacker stated that he was able to get access to one email address of a DHS employee. From there, he tried to log into a DOJ web portal but that did not work. He phoned the person in charge.

“So I called up, told them I was new and I didn't understand how to get past [the portal],” the hacker told Motherboard. “They asked if I had a token code, I said no, they said that's fine—just use our one.”

The hacker posted a picture of the computer he had access to:

 After getting access to the portal, the hacker saw a portal containing around 1TB of data, he stole only around 200GB of them. After the interview with Vice, the hacker leaked the details of 9000 DHS employees on Twitter. After some time, he tweeted about the 20000 FBI employees details. These consists of names, telephone and fax numbers, department, state, email addresses and work titles. 
The hacker's last tweet goes as follows:

 Read More From Vice: [Click Here!]


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