Operation Dorner Launched By Anonymous

Through a video posted on YouTube,Anonymous hackers have launched and attack called Operation Dorner which is in relation to the manner in which Los Angeles Police Dept is handling the issue of alleged cop killer, Christopher Doner.
Hello, officers of the Los Angeles Police Department, we are anonymous.

As national headlines regarding the vigilante acts of former LAPD officer Christopher Jordan Dorner continue to intensify, we have decided amongst ourselves to pursue an appropriate recourse.

And so we watched with dread and utter hilarity as the LAPD began to pursue this man.

However the department has proven once more that it is incapable of serving the public, look no further than to the women who became LAPD's most recent victims. The two were shot without warning and were not even given the chance to surrender simply because LAPD thinks they are above the law.

No one is above the law.

In coordination with federal authorities, the LAPD is now conducting a massive manhunt for The Dark Knight Christopher Dorner, so that they may effectively silence him forever without due process.

And now since the authorization of drones have been approved for the first time ever to pursue and execute an American citizen on United States Soil, the US Government will stage this event to set a new precedent from which it can assassinate American citizens for little to no reason at all.

But do not misinterpret us for we do not condone the vicious acts that Dorner has allegedly partaken in. Instead we sympathize and resonate with his struggle. Dorner was not born a killer he was a law abiding citizen that was tainted by the corrupt and inhumane practices of the Los Angeles Police Department who serve only themselves.

We however do not accept this fate, and call upon our brothers to raise arms against the LAPD, for justice and for the lulz we will rise to disrupt, dismantle and dissect all aspects of the manhunt whilst revealing the LAPD's unwarranted hypocrisy.

We are hated, vilified, and like Dorner, considered to be enemies to the state. But there are those who whisper that we are culture and a necessity that bring truth to a cloaked world. In this spirit we will forge ahead and allow #OperationDorner to commence!


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