The Hackers Army(THA) Hits Indian Cyber Space

Last week,several Indian Websites were defaced by members of The Hackers Army(THA).The same message were posted on each and every website,a message to free Kashmir.They have name this as #OpKashmir.Website like Baroda Productivity Council India, Educational Guide India, Kolhapur city in Maharashtra School, etc were defaced during this attack.At the time of publication,some of the were websites were already restored.Mirrors has been provided for all websites below.
Message Posted On Each Website:
"Go back to 1947,The beginning of Indian Oppression ,
That led to destruction and illegal occupation of KASHMIR. Lies have been covered up,Truth echoes
SAMEER , a martyr at age 9,They killed him by kicking his jawline,Forced a bamboo right down his throat,And his soul went afloat.
NEELOFAR and ASIYA, my sisters drowned to death, Molestated and raped till their last breath.
Ask a MOTHER how her son died, a SISTER how she cried,A FATHER left torn up inside.
We are with you Brothers ,A brother who fought for right,A brother who threw stones with all his might,
A brother smothered and slayed,A brother who had faith in freedom all the way.
We say enough! to the brutality being committed to the innocent civilians in KASHMIR by Political Administration for power.


THA Disaster -- Gatha Incoming THA Dark -- THA RUDE -- THA ShadowFiend Haxor-- THA Corons Ip -- THA Storm -- THA Optimizer-- THA Konvict-- THA X HaxOr -- THA Rox Root -- THA Unstoppable -- THA Trojaan --THA Meister-- And All Muslim Hackers

Link To All Defaced Websites With Mirrors:


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