Sky Broadband Blocking Access To The Pirate Bay

After Virgin Media and Everything Everywhere, its now Sky's turns to block access to the file sharing site The Pirate Bay.

The High Court has demanded the company to block access after the British Pornographic Company has complained about copyright infringement by providing links to movies, music and medias.
Below is a statement from Sky Website about their approach in protecting copyright:
" We have invested billions of pounds in high-quality entertainment for our customers because we know how much our customers value it. It’s therefore important that companies like ours do what they can, alongside the Government and the rest of the media and technology industries, to help protect their copyright. Such protection makes sure that consumers continue to benefit from TV programmes, movies and music both now and in the future. This means taking effective action against online piracy and copyright infringement.

Increasingly content owners are turning to the courts to present evidence of copyright infringement by websites that offer content illegally to users. When they do so, and the court agrees that copyright infringement has occurred, the content owners can seek a court order which compels the internet service providers (ISPs) to block access to those sites over their broadband networks.

To date Sky has received court orders to block the following websites that were found to have breached copyright laws:

    Newzbin 2, which Sky blocked on 13 December 2011
    The Pirate Bay, which Sky blocked on 30 May 2012


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