Australian Domain Trader Netfleet Hacked

One of Australia’s largest domain trading websites admitted to being hacked by a group of unnamed hackers who managed to gain access to customer information, including names, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers and credit card information.

 SC Magazine reports that the credit card numbers and their expiry dates were encrypted.

“Whilst we believe no sensitive data such as credit card information was accessed by the intruder, there is a possibility that this is indeed the case and as such we felt it our duty to inform you,” Netfleet representatives said.

“Since learning of the intrusion, we have taken the affected systems offline and are taking steps to address the vulnerability that led to this incident.”

The website was temporarily taken offline to patch up the vulnerabilities that allowed for the incident to occur and after being reopened, a message was displayed on the main site to inform customers that all passwords were reset and the log-in procedure was changed as a result of the enhanced security measures implemented.

Netfleet is collaborating with the Australian Federal Police and CERT while the matter is being investigated.

In the meantime, customers are being reassured that all the extra measure they’ve taken are just a precaution as they believe that the possibility for sensitive information to have been accessed and misused is remote.

The company works in collaboration with Netregistry and sells only top level .au domains.

As a result of these types of breaches, even though the affected firms are taking the necessary steps to protect their users, it’s always recommended to follow a few basic precaution rules.

Always be on the lookout for suspicious emails that may land in your inbox. Phishers may take this opportunity to send notifications that look legitimate, but in reality they’re cleverly designed to target sensitive information.
Source: Softpedia


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