Anonymous 'attacks' Spanish cinema

Anonymous wanted to be present, in its way, in the great night of Spanish film. The organization of hackers has been noted before and during the awards ceremony of the Goya Awards that took place this evening in Madrid, first with a frustrated protest at the gates of the Palace of Congresses which has hosted the ceremony and later , with an attack on the website of the Film Academy.

Shortly before the protagonists of the 'seventh art' began to march down the red carpet, the police managed to deter a protest of about twenty people who had come to the vicinity of the Palace to protest the 'Sinde Law'.

The protest was called by Anonymous, as he did in last year's ceremony, however, attendees were barely noticed. Four police vans surrounded the demonstrators about 300 meters from the door of the room and asked to identify all persons who were in the area to attend the gala, including journalists who had come to cover.

In the middle of the show, again produced a new incident involving members of Anonymous, this time in the stalls. Three people with the white mask of Guy Fawkes in the movie 'V for Vendetta', which identifies the group, trying to take the stage at the time that gave way to a video that reminded the nominees for best director. The speed of the security services has prevented to achieve their purpose and the act has gone largely unnoticed.
Data 'Pe' and many other

However, the Film Academy has been unable to keep his website was attacked while actors and directors received their awards. "Due to technical problems the website is not operational. We are working to fix the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience" could be read when trying to access the portal. The problems have been going on for the morning.

Meanwhile, the blog of the organization published new private data of people in the film world who support the law against illegal downloads Sinde.

Penelope Cruz, Pilar Lopez de Ayala, Maria Valverde, Belen Rueda, Jose Coronado and a long list of actors have been targeted by Anonymous in your blog published their personal data such as 'mail', ID number, date of birth.

The movement has already published on 29 January at his blog particulars, with telephones and addresses, of public supporters of the law Sinde, affecting, among others, the current Minister of Culture, José Ignacio Wert, and his predecessor in the office, Ángeles González-Sinde.

Even then, the blog of 'hacktivists' Anonymous' warned, after giving many particulars, that the information provided was "only a small part" of all that have "stored in safe places."
'Cultural Revolution'

In addition, the group of hackers has posted on Youtube a video announcing that is running the "cultural revolution" and has begun the "real transition."

began with a voice that was presented as Anonymous and justifying the attack on the website of the Academy for the attempt to "overcome any censorship." On the occasion of the Goya Awards, the organization cited the famous painter and his sleep of reason produces monsters. "

"He criticized the blindness of the society of his time and pointed to the enemies of reason" as the video, still denouncing the "threat" to "destroy the very culture, that we are building together."

Anonymous also pointed to the "middlemen bloodsuckers" who "fight for the subsidy tap remains open." "Criminals are not behind computer screens, but many of those sitting in seats," he said in reference to the Goya Awards gala, "or in ministries, banks and corporations."

The video distributed criticism of the former Minister of Culture, Ángeles González Sinde, and the current Minister of Culture, José Ignacio Wert, and Teddy Bautista referred to as the "inquisitor priest." "The law Sinde was the fuse that ignited the revolution of May 15", she said.

The recording ended with a message in favor of reducing consumption, "the minimum" and "get the money from the bank" and recalling recent events took place in Greece. "They care Hellenic take the stage, but have stumbled upon the people who invented guerrilla warfare to defeat the empire of Napoleon," he added.

Anonymous gloated that he had thought that the dome would stop to this organization and proclaimed: "Year one of the new era, the real transition begins. We are legion, do not forget, and you should not forgive us expected."


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