Pakistan's biggest news portal hacked by LuCkY ICA
Once again INDIAN CYBER ARMY strikeD, LuCkY fr0m Indian Cyber Army haCkeD 56 alexa in pakistan, 3,500 worldwide, pakistan's biggest news portal Dedicated server, 24/7 support, vip information site..
Mr.Dawn Your Gone
Your Shit Got HackeD By -LuCkY
Mod_security At High Level, 56 alexa in pakistan , 3,500 worldwide , pakistan's biggest news portal
Dedicated server , 24/7 support, vip information , Honey pots
But Still Failed To Keep Me out of your b0x
Nothing Personal, Just wanted to check if am still the same and EPIC y0u got owned
Greetz:- -[SiLeNt p0is0n]- , Inx_ro0t , Ne0h4ck3r , AtulDwivedi , Co0lt04d and Team ICA and Indishell
Shouts:- ffe' ssxt prince, Ashell, irf ninja , Cybera Gurrerio, Sks king , Manish and rest of the team
FuCk YoU :- Ro0t_d3vil n ethicaln00b indishell :P >:D
Finally To All fucking Porkie Groups, You Wont get kashmir by hacking sites lol , Kashmir is ours will be ours.. So Take your scum ass away ;) from our space
contact your ass kicker at
define('DB_NAME', 'archives_wpress'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', 'archives_user2'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'B,!R~T-K^L2