Australian Govt. Site Hacked By #Antisec Hackers

Hacktivist Anonymous hit the Australian cyber fence. Anonymous has been busy recently with many different things going on, one of them is the ever on going battle of censorship with governments. As a result an Australian government website has been defaced and left in fairly messed up state. Previously Anonymous hacked and releases government records including Australian council data.
Recently Anon hacked and defaced the The CLGCA (Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority) Govt. of Australia. The message on the deface page contains:-
"This domain has been seized by Exphin1ty and #Antisec For Australia's decision to censor the internet. Consider this a warning as what is yet to come. We encourage all of our #Antisec friends to aim your canons at any Gov.Au address and flaunt the tag #Antisec on any defecement, leak or database dump. "
The CLGCA site is still unavailable. Site restoration and maintenance is going on.

Also the message of the hacker is clearly indicating that the Govt. of Australia might have to face massive cyber attack form the Hacktivist.


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